Monday, February 27, 2012

2nd Grade Common Core Standards Posters

I am so excited to share my latest creation for my classroom with you... common core standards posters for second grade! These 2nd grade common core posters are unique due to the fact that the standards cards are two-sided: one side is the exact standard written and coded for your records, the other side is the same standard written in "kid-friendly" language so that your students will be able to understand what it is they will be learning. (NOTE: I've taken great care in trying to preserve the meaning of the standard when I changed it into terms that the students can understand. I kept most verbage the same and used synonyms for more challenging words to help second graders understand!)

This document includes ALL standards for Language Arts (reading, writing, language, etc.) and Math. Science and Social Studies are also included, although they are specific to Ohio. Some Science and Social Studies standards may be the same from state to state, although same may differ.

Also included are subject heading cards for your display, information explaining how to read the coding on each card, and directions on how to print and make the cards. Making the cards is very simple-- you just need to print, cut around the solid black line (but DO NOT cut the line in the middle) and then fold in half. One side will be the "teacher" side and the other is the "kid-friendly" side. Just laminate, if you wish, and display in your classroom to make the learning goals more visible to your students!

Check them out... Just click on the picture below to be taken to the link!

1 comment:

  1. يسبب النمل الأبيض خسائر كبيرة فى الحبوب التى يتغذى عليها الإنسان، ويهاجم التمور، والذرة والمحاصيل التي تنثر على الأرض بغرض التجفيف تحت أشعة الشمس أو بحرارة الهواء.

    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بحائل
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالقطيف
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض بالخرج
    شركة مكافحة النمل الابيض ببريدة
