Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Conference Question I Hear Every Time...

"What can I do to help my child with their math facts at home?" The dreaded question that I wish I had an answer for because I'm struggling with teaching math facts in my classroom. I have parent teacher conferences tonight and I decided to do some research to find some ways that parents can help their child practice their addition and subtraction facts. Let me tell you-- this was HARD. There are very few ideas besides games that kids can play online. So after looking for a while (okay, way too long) I found these five ideas and compiled them into a list that I plan to give to my parents at conferences. I especially like these games because everyone in the family can play and they are all fun and simple. If students are working on multiplication and division facts, these games can be easily modified to pracice those facts. Plus, most of them could also be played at school to help your students practice their facts. I know I am always looking for new ideas for math facts, so here you go!

5 Games to Practice Math Facts at Home

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